
Markov Chains

This is a simple implementation of markov chains. An example chain could be generated with bin/gen_chain. The main program expect a file specified in src/main.c (default is files/in.txt). The program generates a markov chain using the file. Output and other things can be tweaked with the macros in the files.

As a good example of my programs abilities is the aristocrats south park joke ;) even though it is short, longer files will produce better output


To build use ./build.sh to build and run use ./build.sh run

See the build.sh file for more info


Limitations of the output: 1. No upper case letters (who needs them anyway) 2. No proper punctuation (who needs punctuation anyway), just words

Limitations of processing input: 1. The symbols: []"", are completely ignored, . and \n are used to identify end of thought (sentance)